IPR, Sustainability and Training – Who? What? and How? 2023-05-30

On the 24th of May, FIS hosted the second webinar in the framework of the IPR4SC project. 60 people joined our event, which was organized in the form of a Round Table with three key speakers:
Marijana Sarolic Robic (Attorney at Law, President of PWN Zagreb and Start-Up trainer)
Peter Alešnik (Head of Spin-out and Spin-off support at the University of Ljubljana)
Andras Jokuti (Director of the Patent and Technology Law Division at WIPO)
The discussion touched upon the need for IPR education, what are important aspects to consider, the skills and topics to address and what approach to think of when engaging or developing an IPR course. In short, the conclusion of the discussion can be summarized as follows:
  • The IPR can be hard to grasp, but it is not an overly-complex topic that cannot be comprehended. IPR can have a multi-layered framework that defines the conceptualization phase. But in the end, it is a business tool available to entrepreneurs and companies to ensure and boost their value.
  • IPR must be de-mystified and not seen as untouchable, complex and a legal problem. With the right understanding of its mechanisms, it can become a serious asset for the company. The goal is not to have more IPR but to know how to utilize it for the benefit of creating, enhancing and protecting value for businesses.
  • Teaching IPR can be hard and requires knowing one’s target group. The approach of presenting IPR as a non-complex helping asset can be achieved when there is communication and engagement between the students/trainees and their teachers. Working on solving case studies to develop critical thinking and accommodation with the principles might be a successful strategy. Focusing on explaining how companies can use IPR to create value for their customers will also help boost the understanding and openness to use IPR in innovation.
  • Although not self-understood, IPR can be a way to promote an open use of certain technology. Sustainable solutions and transition to a green economy can benefit from IPR. There are many resources available right now that measure and emphasize such cases. Yet, it is people’s responsibility how to use this technology and IPR to develop a better and responsible future for the next generations.

If you missed the event, you can relive the webinar here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyVb9SmUr6I
Stay tuned for details on upcoming webinars!




Tamara Besednjak Valič

Faculty Of Information Studies In Novo Mesto

e-mail: tamara.valic@fis.unm.si


Virág Szuák

Pannon Business Network Association

e-mail: virag.szuak@pbn.hu