IPR in Croatia – state of the art 2023-06-15

Let us start at the beginning, explaining what IPR index represents?
The International Property Rights Index (IPRI) is the flagship publication of Property Rights Alliance. The IPRI scores the underlining institutions of a strong property rights regime: the legal and political environment, physical property rights, and intellectual property rights. It is the world’s only index entirely dedicated to the measurement of intellectual and physical property rights. Covering 129 countries the 2022 IPRI reports on the property rights systems affecting 98 percent of world Gross Domestic Product and 94 percent of world population. A tool for policymakers, business communities, and civic activists, the IPRI highlights the essential role property rights play in creating a prosperous economy and just society.
How IPRI correlates with other Indexes?
In 2022, the IPRI showed an outstanding correlation at .871 with the Global Innovation Index. Property Rights remain crucial elements for the innovative drive needed to foster the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Additionally, since the IPRI reveals the strongest correlation with the Corruption Perception Index at .954, it can be concluded that the Property Rights are playing a crucial role in fighting corruption.
Where in the world the IPRI showed the highest points?
It is important to distinguish Intellectual Property Rights on the one hand, and Physical Property Rights on the other hand. In 2022, the USA was the leading country in terms of protection of Intellectual Property Rights. Finland was the first when it comes to Physical Property Rights.
IPRI index in Croatia
In 2022, Croatia’s IPRI score was 4.916, placing the country on the 15th place in the Central Eastern Europe and Central Asia region and 65th in the world. Croatia is classified by the IMF as part of the Emerging and Developing Europe group and by the World Bank as High income country.
Croatia’s Intellectual Property Rights Subindex remained at 5.393 comparing to the previous period. In perception of Intellectual Property Protection, data was not available to measure Patent Protection, which is definitely indicative and initiatives like IPR4SC project could contribute to solving this issue in the future.
Source: https://www.internationalpropertyrightsindex.org/country/croatia



Tamara Besednjak Valič

Faculty Of Information Studies In Novo Mesto

e-mail: tamara.valic@fis.unm.si


Virág Szuák

Pannon Business Network Association

e-mail: virag.szuak@pbn.hu