Project meeting in Rome, Italy 2023-03-01

The second on-site partner meeting was hosted by Link Campus University in Rome, Italy between 20-21 February 2023.  

On the first day, the focus was on the development of the IP Monitor. It will be designed as a large database containing, for example, IPR databases, IPR tools, TTO platforms, and IPR attorneys. Partners from Algebra have organized an interactive workshop related to the design and the user journey of the web platform. Insights collected during the workshop will be useful in the development phase. The platform will be available in Autumn 2023!

The second day aimed to discuss the activities related to the development & implementation of I2P (Innovation and Intellectual Property) for Green courses. In the upcoming months, the main task is to design a curriculum on IP for business/technical studies/faculties and short online course at BA level and VET modules on harnessing IP for circular businesses using a co-creation methodology. The online teacher training event will be held in May 2023.
It was a great opportunity to work together and meet us in person.



Tamara Besednjak Valič

Faculty Of Information Studies In Novo Mesto



Virág Szuák

Pannon Business Network Association
