Survey on IPR needs and competencies 2022-10-20
The field of IP rights is becoming constantly more and more important in the modern business world, catching the attention of multiple EU stakeholders as well.
Through the IPR4SC project, we would like to address the needs of the EU inventors, either working for SMEs or trained in Higher Education Institutions (HEI) and Vocational Education and Training (VET), to boost their competencies in using IPR for digital, sustainable and circular innovations. The final goal is to build training materials and aiding tools for IPR to help students, professors, specialists and businessmen in their work intend to help EU inventors and citizens to master the IP Tools and mechanisms for innovation, sustainability and circularity.
The link to the survey is:
It takes 15 minutes to fill out the survey. The deadline is 30 November 2022.
To learn more about our project, follow us on Facebook and Linkedin.